This document provides the steps to create the DataFactory Application from Marketplace AMI:
- From the AWS console, search for EC2 and select the EC2 option from the results, or else you can click the EC2 option from the recently visited info section.
- On the left pane, click Instances.
- Click Launch instances on the top right corner of the Instances page.
- To create a new EC2 instance, type a name in the Name field.
- Scroll down the same page where you can see the “Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)” section.
- Search for “DataFactory” keyword in the AMI search box, then you can find DataFactory AMI under AWS Marketplace AMIs tile.
- Click the Select button.
- Click the Continue button.
- You have now been directed to the Launch Instance page again, where you can select the instance type of the EC2 Instance. (Recommended m4.4xlarge).
- On the same page, under the key pair section, you can select any existing key pair on your account or create a new key pair.
- Under the Network settings, select the appropriate option against each security groups.
- You can use the default storage as per the AMI, or else you can increase the volume as per your requirement.
- On the summary page, verify the details and click the Launch instance button.
- The instance will launch in a few minutes, now navigate to the Instances page, and search for the Instance you have just created.
- Copy the Public IP of the instance and paste it into any browser, then type {public_ip:9091}/DataFactory, and then you can view the DataFactory Login page.